Saturday, March 21, 2015

The latest hypocrisy of the Obama administration.

By Rob Janicki

On Thursday, President Obama sent a video message to Iran in celebration of the Muslim holiday of Nowruz, not exactly known to many, if any, Americans not practicing Islam.  That was the cover for Obama's message to the leaders of Iran cautioning them not to pass up the opportunity to improve relations with the western allies and the rest of the world over the ongoing negotiations concerning Iran's nuclear development program.  Obama would go on to schmooze with the Iranians in the video telling them how important Iran's history has been to the world and how Islam is so important in America.  Not sure where that delusion came from, but it's there in the video. 

In essence Obama was pushing Iran to reach a settlement with the United States in the ongoing and seemingly never ending negotiations aimed at limiting Iran's nuclear development program.  The question that arises is simple.  What's the difference between Obama communicating publicly with the Iranian leadership and the 47 Republican Senators publicly communicating with Iranian leadership?  Both communications appear to have been made to influence Iran to engage in legitimate negotiations over limiting the continuing development of their nuclear material enrichment program.  Watch Obama's video and then compare and contrast it with Ed Henry's video further below.

Watch Ed Henry of Fox News questioning White House Press Secretary, and all around political flack, Josh Earnest to explain the differences in the two communications.  Needless to say, Earnest employs linguistic gymnastics to contrast the two messages to Iran as completely different, thus implying that the Senate letter was counter productive to the ongoing U.S./Iranian negotiations.

Meanwhile, the leadership of Iran continues to stall and obfuscate at every opportunity in the ongoing charade of nuclear negotiations with the Obama administration.  Apparently, through incompetence or willful ignorance, the Obama administration continues in the belief that it can actually come to a satisfactory end in the negotiations with Iran and that all will result in a kumbayah moment of peace in our time.  This is so reminiscent of the 1930's British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who got Adolph Hitler to promise not to engage in further invasions of Germany's neighbors.  Shortly after this misbegotten and foolhardy by effort by Chamberlain, Germany started World War II.  So much for negotiating with totalitarian dictatorships.

The lesson to be learned then with Germany and now with Iran is simple.   Weakness in the face of totalitarian fascists is only an invitation to later disaster for the likes of liberals like Chamberlain then and Obama now.  The Iranians have absolutely no reason to fear Obama over their nuclear development.  The only reason the Iranians ever engaged in negotiations with the Unites States was that the economic sanctions were seriously hurting the fragile Iranian economy.  Inexplicably, the United States lessened the effective economic sanctions levied on Iran, supposedly to entice them into negotiations to limit their nuclear development.  

It was at this moment that the Obama administration made their first mistake.  They relinquished the power edge they had developed with the economic sanctions in place and working and gave Iran the relief that Iran sought and brought them to the bargaining table.  After that fundamental Obama failure, it has been all down hill for the Obama administration in the negotiating process.  Obama gave up America's position of strength and Iran immediately grabbed the power and is now playing Obama for the fool he is.

Watch for Obama accept just about anything that Iran proposes in the nuclear negotiations.  Obama has backed himself and America into a corner and to save face he has to come up with some kind of political deal with Iran.  Obama has grossly overestimated his skills in foreign policy negotiations and vastly underestimated Iran's ability to turn Obama over as an incompetent leader.  The only thing that Iran respects, and that would even be grudgingly, is power and force.  Iran does not see that in Obama.  They see a weak, dithering, self serving and naive infidel and wannabe Muslim that they can successfully manipulate.  Expect Obama to accept a bad deal for America, Israel and the world.  Iran will be successful in developing a nuclear weapon.  It's just a matter of time. They are already well on the way to successfully developing a dependable intercontinental ballistic missile system capable of delivering a nuclear weapon anywhere in the world.  

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