Sunday, March 22, 2015

Let's take #RaceTogether to the next level

By Ecklebob Chiselfritz

I applaud Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz and encourage him to take the @RaceTogether campaign a step further.

My suggestion is simple.

A cup with a GPS chip in it would be used to serve the drink to any customer a Starbucks barista supects of possessing racist tendencies.

This is where the United States Attorney General steps into the picture.

The full power and resources of the  Department of Justice would be brought to bear in tracking those suspected by Starbucks as being racist.

We MUST keep on eye on these people!

I know this all sounds radical here in our Constitutional Republic and might even be illegal so maybe first there could be a pilot program where Starbucks and Justice Dept test it out in say...Mexico.

Viva, Fast and Racist.

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