Monday, March 23, 2015

Iran's Supreme Leader to our Pretender in Chief: In your face, you pussy.

By Rob Janicki

Quite possibly the greatest irony in months.

Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei called for “Death to America” on Saturday, a day after President Barack Obama appealed to Iran to seize a “historic opportunity” for a nuclear deal and a better future, and as US Secretary of State John Kerry claimed substantial progress toward an accord.

Obama's video greeting to Iran hasn't even cleared all the political pundits and talking heads and Obama is 'supremely' put in his place by a tin pot Persian plutocrat and theocratic dictator, the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei of Iran.  Priceless!

Khamenei told a crowd in Tehran that Iran would not capitulate to Western demands. When the crowd started shouting, “Death to America,” the ayatollah responded: “Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure.

History will not be kind to President Obama and his schizophrenic foreign policies and his equally disordered tactical and strategic miscues and absolute failures.  I can't remember an American president with less intuitive skills and abilities in crafting and implementing foreign policy initiatives than Barack Obama.  Obama is so bad as the leader of the free world that he has to reach up to touch the bottom of the barrel and the likes of Jimmy Carter, heretofore thought to be the worst president in American history.

Obama detractors have characterized Obama as having a Messianic complex, as if he thinks he's God.  The real difference is that God doesn't think he's Barack Obama.

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