Much has been said about the UN Climate Change Conference which began yesterday in Paris. If you missed one of our more scholarly posts on the subject of climate change, please read Rob Janicki's "The 2015 UN Climate Conference farce begins today in Paris" which sums up how some of us at Righting on the Wall feel about the subject.
To expound further on the subject, the UN Climate Change Conference has little to do with fighting hypothesized, man-made pollution. It is about ideology, mainly redistribution of wealth on a global scale. Obama has successfully implemented anti-Capitalist, redistributive policies in the United States. Shouldn't we have expected him to take these policies and align them with like-minded administrations around the world?
After all, these are policies from his father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., a former 1960's community organizer within the communist government of Kenya, who penned "Problems Facing Our Socialism" in the July 1965 edition of the East Africa Journal. 30 years later, President Obama hinted to the genesis of his policy making in his memoir, Dreams From My Father; however, the notions of socialism, anti-colonialism, and wealth redistribution from an idealized, absentee/air-brushed father are directly reflected in the son's policy making as the leader of the free world.
To combat these anti-colonialism and anti-Capitalist evils, Barack Obama Sr. advises that in order to avoid powerful concentrations of wealth (i.e. nasty 1%ers), you must use the strong fist of the government to control and regulate private industry and implement excessively high tax rates:
"What is more important is to find means by which we can redistribute our economic gains to the benefit of all and at the same time be able to channel some of these gains to future production. This is the government's obligation . . . "
"Theoretically, there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100 per cent of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed."While Obama Jr. has not quite reached quite this extreme taxation on personal wealth, we have felt it in other ways (Obamacare and regulations on small businesses and in the energy sector). In other words, it's all about priorities - socialist, redistributive priorities. Obama Sr., who was adamantly against free-market (western) reforms in Kenya, posits whether economic growth should be a priority:
"While recognizing the importance of growth, one can emphasize it to the detriment of other objectives. We should not only put all our efforts on growth, but should cover a wider subject which is development. We can have a wide rate of growth economically and yet not develop both economically, politically and socially."Despite glowing rhetoric about how great the American economy has become under the Obama administration, the average person suffering in this age of Obamanomics would say that the president has not focused much on growing the economy for all. It's simply not his priority, much like his attitude on fighting ISIS.
No, his wider subject is the "development" of divisive social constructs and climate change policies which, he claims, will help reduce the likelihood of future domestic and international terrorist attacks. First, the Benghazi attacks were caused by a YouTube video. When that narrative was laughed off of the world stage, it became that jihadis were chopping off heads because they didn't have jobs. When that lunacy didn't sell, the administration joined other like-minded countries and blamed jihadist angst on climate change.
Which brings us to the conclusion that President Obama's two-term presidency has proven that, ideologically, father and son are the same, sharing the anti-colonialist furor that ultimately shows itself to be basically anti-Capitalist, anti-Christian, and anti-American. Coming from the mentality of third-world angst, Obama, like his father, believes that rich countries only became so by invading and looting poorer countries, thereby benefiting from stolen resources. To Obama, now is the time for America's reckoning (foreshadowed by that initial "apology tour") - the time has come to pay the bill, so to speak, and, as Mr. Janicki has predicted, it is time to . . .
. . . saddle mankind with greater costs for energy, which ought to increase both poverty and hunger, while throwing developing nations back into third world status.
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