Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ted Cruz Guilty of Poor Timing

by Kim D.

Vice President Joe Biden should be admired for his fatherly dedication. The tragic death of his son, Beau, who recently lost his fight against brain cancer, coupled with the equally devastating loss of his former wife and daughter in a car crash, makes Biden a sympathetic political figure.

Perhaps now is not the time to refer to the vice president in a humorous manner, even though over the years Biden has rightly earned the title of "Crazy Joe" and America's top gaffe master. So when Ted Cruz recently used Biden to lighten the mood at a campaign event, his ribbing was seen as horrifically disrespectful, especially while the vice president is currently mourning the loss of his son.

This clip showing the actual joking and follow up questions by reporters is making the rounds and being used to shame Cruz, not for the content of what he said but for the poor timing of it.

Usually not one to bend to the will of political correctness, for his poor timing of telling Biden jokes, Cruz should have apologized and he did on Facebook and Twitter:

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