CNN anchor Fredricka Whitfield said the unthinkable when she was reporting on James Boulware's shooting rampage on the Dallas Police Department this weekend.
“It was very courageous and brave, if not crazy as well, to open fire on the police headquarters, and now you have this scene, this standoff."Viewer outrage ensued and Fredricka took a day to think about it before she addressed the issue by simply shrugging off the fact that she called a gunman who ambushed and attacked police as "courageous and brave."
Instant idiot... Just add tampon earrings #fredrickaWhitfield
— The Felonious Filch (@1FilchFelonious) June 13, 2015
Dear @CNN,
How in the ever loving fuck is it "Courageous & Brave" to ambush police officers? #fredrickaWhitfield #DallasPDShooting
— Davis (@DFoxtrot15) June 13, 2015
She misspoke. So instead of being sorry for the comments, basically she doesn't have a good command of the English language proving once again today's sad state of journalism.
What happens when you hire someone not qualified! #FredrickaWhitfield #LackingKnowledgeOfBasicWords OR #Insane #CourageousAndBrave @CNN
— Just to Opine (@Just2Opine) June 15, 2015
#fredrickaWhitfield You Misspoke!!?? If you misspoke you need to apologize to every Man and Women wearing the Badge in the #DallasPDShooting
— HossMan (@hossm1808) June 15, 2015
#FredrickaWhitfield says she "misspoke", not any apology. She spoke out bcoz she's been called out for her INTENTIONAL STATEMENT. Fire her!!
— robert birsinger (@robertbirsinger) June 15, 2015
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