Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Why do some on the political right seek to limit the 1st Amendment and the right to free speech and expression?

By Rob Janicki
What has happened to the political right?  I always thought it was the
political left that wanted to shutdown free speech and now I find that
a number of people on the political right are lining up with the
liberal left to shutdown speech they find obnoxious, offensive and

I am referring to Pamela Geller, President of the American Freedom
Defense Initiative, which sponsored the recent event in Garland,
Texas, to find the best cartoon depicting the real Muhammad, the
Prophet of Islam and the purveyor of death to all infidels.  Geller is
being victimized by a mob of vigilante political types, which we
expect from the political left.  It's those few on the political right
that are a concern to everyone who believes in free speech and

Why have some on the political right gone out of their way to condemn
Geller?  Those who have chosen to condemn Geller say they support the
right to free speech in one breathy exclamation and then turn around
and accuse Geller of provocatively and unnecessarily inciting radical
Islamists into action against infidels.  Were those Jews in World War
II Germany who stood up and pointed out the genocidal direction of
HItler, being unnecessarily provocative?

These fools miss the point entirely.  Radical Islamists don't need
Geller or anyone else as an excuse to wreak havoc, mayhem and murder
upon nonbelievers.  That's their credo based in the 7th century.
Those on the right who criticize Geller are playing into the hands of
these radical Islamist savages.  If they believe that jabbing, poking
and insulting Muhammad is what drives these brutal and savage radical
Islamists, then these folks are just as delusional as the radical
Islamists they rightly condemn.

Why are some on the right defending radical Islamists as they condemn
Pamela Geller and others of similar mind, who seek to defend and
exercise their rights to free expression under the 1st Amendment?  Why
are these right wing deniers seeking to shut down free speech, which
they claim to defend?  You either stand for the principle of free
speech or you are selectively authoritarian and thus a left winger in

If these few right wingers and everyone on the left, believe that it
is Geller that is causing radical Islamists to act in their murderous
ways, there just may not be any hope for these delusional knot heads.
They just don't get it and probably never will.

Radical Islamists today, do not need an excuse to attack nonbelievers.
They rely upon and are self actuated by their fundamental beliefs that
are found in the Quran and Sharia law.  They aren't perverting Islam.
They are just selectively using what is already a part of Islam, which
is to conquer, subjugate or kill all infidels.  There is no other
alternative when dealing with these radical Islamists.  Confronting
these radical Islamists as Geller has done, merely puts them on notice
that nonbelievers will not bend to their perversions and will shine
the light of truth on radical Islam no matter where it leads.

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