Monday, April 27, 2015

Updated: #ProteinWorld Won't Apologize for #BeachBodyReady Ad and Tells Outraged Feminazi Regime to #GetAGrip

by Kim D.

While I agree that the perfect beach body is quite difficult for the majority of women, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that if women want to wear bikinis at the beach they should be respectful of other beach goers and not do so if they have excessive flesh that perhaps may not be pleasant to look at. It's not fat shaming. It's reality. If you don't look good in a bikini, simply don't wear one; there are plenty of other bathing suit attire choices available.

But, then again, I'm not an outraged Feminist, gnashing and grinding my teeth over the recent ad from Protein World which features an attractive, thin female wearing a tiny yellow bikini and promotes weight loss products by asking "Are You Beach Body Ready?" I'm not so triggered by a model in a bikini that I need deface posters and demand Protein World retract and change its advertisement. But, the Feminazis are.
The regime even began a petition on to remove Protein World's ads. According to the petition's creator,
The ridiculousness of this whole situation is that Protein World is a business that promotes weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. The intent of the ad is not fat shaming. Those who perceive it as such only reveal how sensitive and insecure they truly are. I mean, after all, what visuals make the most sense to promote Protein World's products? 
I predict the result of this Feminazi outrage will do wonders for Protein World's bottom line. The company will sell more product due to perhaps controversial yet extremely effective advertising. Couple that with the fact that the company refuses to bend to the will of the regime and change its advertisement, Protein World will garner far more respect and customer loyalty in the long run.


  1. Don't you just love radical liberal tolerance for all opinions and practices? It's either their way or the highway. The femi-Nazis are extreme totalitarian authoritarians. Hitler would be proud of their tactics. The rest of us are simply disgusted with these morons.

  2. They've made being outraged an art form . . . a sucky one kind of like Elvis velvet art

  3. Hi, I noticed you put my drawing in the section of the article alongside with the "Feminists" And It would seem you are saying I am against Protein World and that is not the case, I drew that to poke fun at the complainers, I'd appreciate it if you could clarify that. Thanks

  4. Reading Feminazi tweets is dangerous. Warning: you could temporarily lose a sense of humor. Sorry about misread - I updated and moved tweet to a more appropriate section. Thanks for letting me know.

  5. Haha, I know what you mean. Thanks :)
