First they banned
journalism from newsrooms in favor of advocacy (apparently). Now the York Daily
Record’s publisher wants to ban profanity. Publisher Sara Glines doesn’t want
to hear it, even when the computer system crashes on deadline. Her memo:
WTF? Is this sh**
for real? Swear words have been tossed around newsrooms forever, but in this
era they almost always come from women. (Hey Angela, a gang of longshoremen
just came through on a tour; I think they were offended by your language. You
kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?)
Anyway, that memo
from January 2015 (I know it’s old, just saw it) wound up on the website of Jim
Romenesko, who has covered newsroom doings for nearly as long as they have been
declining. With it was a companion memo from Ms. Glines about the banning of
Mountain Dew and Snickers bars from vending machines.
The twin memos
inspired a string of comments, including this from Brian O’Connor of the
Detroit News:
A quick check of
Ms. Glines’ career shows she is moving up the ladder, having just been
appointed president and publisher of The News & Observer of Raleigh. She
takes over today. Staffers there are advised stock up on candy bars. Soon there
may be a black market.