Sunday, January 24, 2016

#FeelTheBern Thoughts: Sour Cream and Socialism

by Kim D.

Bernie Sanders, as a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, has shaken up the 2016 presidential race much like Donald Trump. The reason is simple - after eight years of George W. Bush and another painful eight of Barack Obama, many Americans feel they have suffered enough.

Factions exist in both the right and left sides of politics, and they want the system blown to shreds. Trump supporters want retribution from tradition lost. Sanders supporters have been convinced that utopian socialism will lead to paradise gained, a true equality, an idea that has been tried many times, resulting in failure.

So what is a Democratic Socialist anyway? A more confusing socialism?  Recently, Chris Matthews tried to understand and asked Debbie Wasserman Schultz:

Matthews thoroughly stumped DNC Debbie, showing her complete ineptness as the spokesperson for the Democratic party. If anyone should know what Bernie Sanders stands for it should be her. Perhaps Debs should have just explained democratic socialism as yogurt - a less icky sour cream. At least we would get the concept a little better and give her credit for answering the question.

In 1989, Bernie claimed America was ignorant of socialism because many were equating the construct with communism. What would Bernie say today? "It's about creating a society where all can do well, not just a handful of billionaires." Perhaps the Young Democrat Socialists of America can explain it better than even Bernie can:

Democracy and socialism go hand in hand. All over the world, wherever the idea of democracy has taken root, the vision of socialism has taken root as well—everywhere but in the United States.
Okay - but to get where Bernie and his brothers want us to be would be a painful process for most Americans. Essentially, freedom would have to be abandoned to give government the power to reconfigure things from the top down. 

No wonder budding young democratic socialists love Bernie and this concept - they are no where close to being at the top, meaning they have nothing to lose. If democratic socialism were to win the day this November, they would only be gaining - universal health care and free college. But, no doubt, should this happen the basic explanation for America's conversion to democratic socialism will be that the fed up majority showed up to take stuff from the people who didn't win.

***For more wacky and often hilarious Bernie thoughts from the mind of Spencer Madsen - click here and follow!***