Once again liberalism has raised its very ugly face of intolerance for all to see, while demanding that all others show them something well beyond mere tolerance and acceptance. Perhaps that is a good thing in that it demonstrates just how hypocritical, deceitful and down right hateful liberals often are.
From Indiana comes this news in light of the ongoing gay community protests over the Indiana legislature's attempt to enact their version of the Freedom of Religion Restoration Act, similar to the same federal law enacted in 1993 and signed by President Bill Clinton. 20 other states have very similar laws as the proposed Indiana statute which Governor Mike Pence has sent back to the legislature to clarify the act's language.
Concord High School girl’s golf coach Jess Dooley has been suspended from coaching for a Tweet she allegedly posted Tuesday evening.
The Tweet under @dooley_11 said “Who’s going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me? Agree with #FreedomofReligion bill? “That’s a lifestyle they CHOOSE” Ignorant”
The Indiana law in process does NOT open the door for discriminating against anyone in the gay community. It should also be noted at this time that the gay community is NOT currently a protected class of individuals under Indiana law.
The proposed Indiana law only allows for a defense to discrimination of gays on religious grounds. In other words, the proposed Indiana law simply gives a defendant a possible defense under the law and thus standing to assert that any discrimination against gays must be balanced against the defendant's right to their religious beliefs and practices.
The Indiana law does not, at any time, give an individual the right to discriminate against a gay person/s simply because they are gay. What it does is give a person a recognized defense to assert under the proposed law when they refuse to provide certain services that are directly in conflict with their religious practices and principles. The defendant does not get an automatic pass under the proposed law to discriminate against a person simply for being gay.
It does present a defendant with a possible defense to a charge that they discriminated against a gay person solely because they are gay. The law gives the defendant in a charge of discrimination the opportunity and responsibility to prove that their refusal of a particular service was solely done on the basis that doing so would violate their own religious beliefs in providing such service.
Apparently that concept noted above is not something liberals or gays can even understand, let alone address rationally without hate filled emotional invective to create a false narrative for their low information liberal constituency. Liberals are doing what they do best. They have lied about the Indiana law and continue to lie about it in their belief that if they yell loud enough and long enough that their position will become the "new truth" and thus a "fact". Expect this liberal/gay campaign to continue in Indiana and spread to other states already with such laws or those states contemplating laws to protect religious liberty and freedom guaranteed under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. It will happen as surely as night follows day.