Twitter has locked me out of my account. They claim I am an automated bot and they need to protect other users from spam.
They also claim our little blog here is dangerous to whatever device you are accessing the internet with.
They say Righting On The Wall might be a source of malware, chicken pox, measles, Hillary Clinton's kennel cough, 'taters and whatnot.
They are doing this under the guise of claiming "suspicious activity" on my Twitter account. The only thing suspicious about my account is my horrible spelling and atrocious grammar.
My Twitter account has never been hacked.
This blog site has never been hacked.
Please look at my Twitter time line.
I am not a serial tweeter much less a spam bot.
Some people even tell me they enjoy reading the sentences I manage to string together.
I am careful in what I post so as to not to violate Twitters terms of service policy.
Please scroll thru Righting On The Wall and read what we post.
We ask for no money. We don't even run ads.
We ask for no personal information.
We respect anonymity.
If I were a paranoid individual I might believe I'm being targeted by Twitter solely for posting my Conservative views/opinions.
I'm not a paranoid individual.
But a little voice in my head is telling me...