By William McRight
Sorry friends for that far too pregnant pause in my guttural utterances. My new (real life) employer has an onboarding program that requires a 30-day visit to the other side of the country where your days are packed with classroom training, presentations, evening shenanigans etc. And, by the way, I think I fought hard against adjusting to PST. 3:30 AM wakeups and desires for dinners at 3:30 PM were the order of the day. But we are back from that so – Let’s get at it.
The State of the Race
When we last spoke, the great American Con Job was continuing apace and the Big Orange Not Even Republican (I cannot believe it took me this long to come up with that name-If we use just the first letters, it is even better) was holding on to his lead in delegates and people who are NOT voting for him. It also came to common knowledge that the other orange creep who everyone loves to hate, Boehner, can’t stop running his stupid mouth about how much he hates a consistent conservative. Ponder that for a second. The man who got removed from his job as Speaker for being a slimy, orange creep had a PAC that took $100k from another slimy orange creep. Sounds to me like two guys who are on the same side of our problem. So naturally, let’s support one of those guys for President. It kind of boggles the mind in regard to the lack of sophisticated reason and political acuity of a large part of the voting block in this country.
Senator Cruz continued the fight daily in any way he could, despite the small army of sycophantic Trump tongue bathers in the media. He continues to chip away at the Trump inevitability lie with a grassroots effort focused on results and winning, not stupid polls. Reminiscent of Reagan, Cruz took the bold move of naming his running mate, Carly Fiorina. This space will harbor future musings on the ticket but safe to say now I will give it a thumbs up for strategery and timing. After Trump’s Acela Corridor wins, changing the discussion was mandatory. Cruz did that, boldly, to his credit. However, I am a shameless hack and he could’ve chosen your Aunt Millie and I’d find a way to make it a political master stroke.
During my time of being a responsible adult, Trump gave some sort of a foreign policy speech. In complete transparency, I cannot bring myself to watch it. I did watch a six second Vine where a presidential candidate invented a new country called “Tanzania.” I also noted that Coulter and Ingraham saluted Trump’s inane warbling with all the gusto that a real conservative would salute Reagan’s “A Time for Choosing.” Those two saying anything positive regarding Trump renders it factually void and tacitly stupid. So I probably won’t watch Trump’s “important foreign policy speech.” Because he is a real estate developer and doesn’t know his rear end from page 8.
So here we are. Another Tuesday primary where the most consistent conservative since Reagan “has to win” to keep hope alive. To date, all the have to win places have resulted in Cruz victories. If we are to save our nation from having a choice between two morally fouled up Democrats to serve as our next President, we need to keep working and tweeting and commenting and fighting. C’mon Indiana. You’ve got this.
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