Monday, June 29, 2015

Hillary's Pledge

This poor girl cultishly believes that Hillary cares about her and connects . . . 

1 comment:

  1. With some Obamacare health plans having deductibles as high as $7000 dollars, it doesn't make much difference how much a person gets for a subsidy to buy the policy, because the policy doesn't kick in paid benefits until the individual has met the deductible amount of the policy. Even after the deductible is met, there are co-pays to be paid by the policy holder. Obamacare is not what it might seem to be. Hillary makes the statement that everyone should get the very best health care, knowing that with Obamacare that will not happen for those without the very best policy. In life you only get what you can afford. More people have been pushed into Medicaid than ever before, because they still can't afford Obamacare. I'd like Hillary to tell the folks that are on Medicaid just how high quality their health care is and see what their response is.
