Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Oh Sarah, if You Are Blacklisted, You Should Be Loving it

by Kim D.
Amanda Carpenter, formerly the senior communications adviser for Senator Ted Cruz and presently a political commentator for CNN, has compiled a list of those with political clout who have officially endorsed Donald Trump. She claims her motivation for naming these people is simple:
The list is primarily comprised of state politicians who have lent their support to the front runner. To see the entire list - click here

Needless to say, some who are named are rather livid at the idea that they have ended up on a so-called blacklist. The obvious question is why are they so mad.  If they are proud of their endorsement of Trump, they should be loving the attention and relish in the fact that they are outside of the mainstream.

Which brings the conversation to Sarah Palin, the former Alaska Governor and GOP Vice President nominee for John McCain. Outraged to be added to the list, Palin took to her favorite medium, Facebook, and threw a trumpertantrum. Trumpbart News then reported Sarah was wearing her blacklist status as a badge of honor, but those who truly love being called out for standing up for beliefs don't usually have meltdowns on social media.
Unfortunately for Sarah, those of us who have taken the time to educate ourselves on Donald Trump and have assessed his viability as the GOP nominee have concluded a much different outcome than what she claims. Just like Sarah, we have the right to have an opinion and many of us have reached the sad realization that a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for Hillary Clinton. 

In head-to-head general election polls, Hillary whoops Donald, badly, by over 9 points. And we all know how Trump loves polls. He can't pick and choose which ones are credible. Neither can Sarah. Winning a plurality of votes isn't the majority and it definitely isn't winning.
Real Clear Politics

So, if you are proud of your endorsement, Sarah, suck it up and wear it as a the badge of honor you claim it is. Those who can see your endorsement for what it is, like Ben Carson's reward of political power for kissing the ring, will hope for a different outcome in the Republican primary.

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