Thursday, February 25, 2016

Trump Vs. Rubio - Hope Vs. Change

by Kim D.

In a campaign year where immigration and safety issues are paramount, Trump is capturing the larger share of the Republican primary vote thus far. From his Reagan copycat of "Make America Great Again" to his anti-PC rhetoric that oftentimes brinks on the verge of the outrageous and profane, Trump is the candidate of those who are uber pissed about do-nothing Washington politics and the lead players. However, Trump is not Reagan-like and as a reminder, should you dare to compare the difference, watch this clip of how a true statesman speaks.

To many of his supporters, the surge of the Trump train is about revenge, not about actual policy. Many are willing to turn a blind eye to the flipflopping and obvious untruths of the front runner in the hopes that Trump will do the things he promises on the stump. In doing so, Trump supporters are relying on "hope" and not vetting his entire record, just as the Democrat party did in the 2007 primary where Barack Obama was concerned. Tapping into the average Joe's anger and coupling rhetoric with celebrity is working well for Donald. The question all should be really asking is if Trump becomes the Republican nominee, will he be able to beat Hillary Clinton, the favored to win the Democratic nod for the 2016 presidential race. With Trump's general election, super high negatives, it is a huge gamble to take.

What Trump supporters don't want to admit is that Ted Cruz is the ultimate middle finger to establishment politics and the ruling class known as the Washington cartel. He hasn't wavered on his principles and is the only one who has proven he will do what he says he will do. For this reason, Trump and Rubio both bash him and label him as a sick liar. Those who are unwilling to take the time to vet the word salads thrown at Cruz on a daily basis simply believe the narrative and this, so far, has been a successful Trump/Rubio strategy.

So, that leaves us with "change" - Rubio. There is not much hope with Marco - put aside that he is the establishment's last great hope. For the majority of pissed right wingers, clinging to their Bibles and guns, Rubio isn't the answer. 

For the last presidential election, the establishment convinced the majority that only Mitt Romney could take on and beat Barack Obama. In a year where we were seething over the passage and implementation of Obamacare, the Republican party nominated the one person who had previously supported a healthcare mandate which wasn't too bright and the result was that millions of conservatives stayed home and handed Obama the reelection.

Will the more right-minded fall for this trick again? In a year where immigration issues top the list, will the majority vote for the one guy who would ensure amnesty? Rubio can screech Ted Cruz is a liar but his record is clear. A vote for Rubio would be one for clear change - amnesty. To better understand Rubio's record on immigration, John Fonte has explained it quite well:
The senators who wrote the legislation — the famous Gang of Eight — intended to expand the pool of cheap foreign labor for favored big businesses: Harry Reid for Las Vegas’s gambling business; Marco Rubio for Florida’s cruise-ship industry; Michael Bennet for Colorado’s ski industry. Apparently the Gang of Eight agreed that “ski instructor” is a job Americans are reluctant to perform, and thus more foreign workers are needed. 
The primary role of Senator Rubio in the Gang of Eight was not in crafting the legislation but in selling the bill to conservatives. For a time, Rubio’s salesmanship appeared to be working, and there was not much conservative opposition to S-744. But then the details of the Gang of Eight’s work began to be scrutinized, and Rubio faced pushback from the Right. 
For example, on June 26, 2013, Senator Ted Cruz told radio host Mark Levin that because of S-744’s thousand waivers, the Obama administration could “ignore vast portions” of the bill. Cruz told Levin that the bill “weakens existing law and border security, it weakens the fence provisions, it weakens biometric control, it weakens operational control. . . . It puts legalization first, and it promises border security in the future.” Indeed, on June 10, 2013, Rubio had told the Spanish-language Univision television network: “First comes legalization. Then come the measures to secure the border.”
A vote for Donald Trump would be one of "hope" that he would erect the border wall and deport millions of illegals sponging off of a taxpayer-funded welfare system. A vote for Rubio would seal the deal and bring true change to immigration policy - aka amnesty. 

Which leads to one final thought -  is there time yet for the true great awakening and the realization that "hope and change" will never solve America's fundamental problems? Translation - only a vote for Cruz will reverse Obama's fundamental screw-over job of this country.

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