Monday, February 15, 2016

Guess What Rubio Actually Told Univision About Amnesty?

by Kim D.

A disturbing pattern has developed among candidates (mainly Rubio and Trump) who are challenged by Ted Cruz. They scream "LIAR"! But, who is actually telling the truth? Cruz or his challengers?  In Saturday night's Republican debate, Cruz called out Trump for his support of Planned Parenthood. The Donald screeched "LIAR" but facts are he did support Planned Parenthood before he didn't. It's just another flip-flop on a subject in which Trump has decided in order to win the nomination he must change his view.

This past summer when The Center for Medical Progress was releasing damning videos demonstrating the true nature of Planned Parenthood and its abortion practices, Trump went on the airways to support the funding of the organization. While he did say he didn't support the abortion wing of Planned Parenthood, he did think baby killing was a very small portion of what the organization did; therefore, for women's health reasons, he did not think defunding was the right way to go. Planned Parenthood praised Trump's stance on the issue:
“Donald Trump seems to have realized that banning all abortions, shutting down the government, and defunding Planned Parenthood are extreme positions that are way too far outside the mainstream for even him to take,” Eric Ferrero, vice president for communications, said in a statement shared with The Hill. 
As for Rubio, he also called Cruz a liar over the claim that Rubio went on Univision and said he would not rescind Obama's executive amnesty action.
We shall see if larger media outlets discover the transcript of Rubio's Univision interview and ask him to clarify his reasons as to why DACA should not be immediately rescinded.