Sunday, December 13, 2015

San Bernardino: California's Gun-Ban Fail & Obama's Dirty Secret

By Elizabeth Nelson
We have to laugh at Obama and the only transparent thing he does, never letting a tragedy go to waste.  Even his media lapdogs over-sell the lead stories with, "Deadly mass-shooting," because there are various types of mass shootings? 

However, leave it to our feckless leader to go to Paris, France and bash America's "lack of gun control" and renew his "pledged to remain focused on using executive action to enact new controls where possible." 

The irony and timing of his speech wasn't missed on me, because the Paris attack happened in a gun-free zone, and happened because of their strict gun-laws.  So, why would America want to emulate this in our Country? It obviously did not save their citizens, did it?

Of course, as Obama is rushing around D.C., screaming at them to "do something" about "stricter gun laws" and telling the French that he will use his empiric pen if they don't. What he's neglecting to do is tell everyone the truth behind his distortion of the "truth" as he's created it.

Would you like to know why he's all puffed up like a poisonous toad?  Through all the pomp-and-circumstance, he doesn't want his fanatical obama-zombies to understand the real facts and dirty truth about the San Bernardino shooting and his push for stricter national gun-regulations.

Not only did the shooting in San Bernardino happen in a state with some of the strictest gun laws and universal background checks for all gun purchases, but Authorities say they believe attackers Syed Rizwan Farook and wife Tashfeen Malik had legally obtained two handguns and that the two rifles were also legally purchased in California.

So, Obama, since California already had strict gun-laws and didn't need your gun-reform, your advice wouldn't have helped these victims, or prevented this attack, right?  When asked this exact question, by White House Media Pool, Josh Earnest admits that Obama's  gun-laws wouldn't have stopped this shooting. Oh, but wait until you hear his "final answer."


"We want to make it harder for people to carry these future crimes out..."

Then, by your logic, Josh.  If we want to make it harder for people to get killed in drunk driving accidents, shouldn't we reduce the number of cars that are on the road and decrease the speed limit to 55, so the fatality rate is lower?

What about Obama's beloved Chicago.  There should be no gun-violence there, as they have some of the strictest gun-laws there, right?  Obama had the audacity said that Americans with guns are more of a threat than terrorist. Obama's delusions grow deeper still. I'm not sure what universe Obama's living in, but "terrorists will stop attacking, if we pass gun-control laws."

So, gun-haters, this was just another gun-free zone and another state with strict gun laws, which goes back to what we "bitter clingers" have been saying all along.  People with murderous intent will never obey your stupid gun-laws, let alone the one law, "thou shalt not commit murder."  We don't have a gun problem, we have a people problem.  

Only when we stop allowing a divisive talking head to divide us and tell us what to think and feel and start doing it for ourselves again, will we start uniting our country and get back on the right track.   

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