Friday, November 20, 2015

Urgent Message from #BrigitteGabriel #WakeUpAmerica #NoSyrianRefugees

by Kim D.

This morning sitting in my inbox was an urgent message from Brigitte Gabriel. The subject matter tackled the controversial topic of America accepting Syrian refugees.
Everyone must be educated about what we are dealing with when it comes to the refugee issue. ACT For America is leading the effort across the nation working with elected officials and citizens alike to stop this madness.
Just last week, before the Paris attack, ACT for America was on Capitol Hill leading an important congressional briefing entitled, “Implications of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on the United States.” The discussion was led by two experts on the refugee resettlement process, Ann Corcoran and Don Barnett, who spoke before a standing-room-only, packed room. Many of the attendees noted that their offices were being inundated with calls and letters from constituents who are deeply concerned about President Obama’s plans to resettle at least 100,000 Syrian refugees to America’s towns and communities. They expressed deep gratitude for the tremendous amount of information they received from our briefing.
As important as it is for Capitol Hill to understand our nation’s current refugee resettlement process, it is perhaps more important for you, the concerned citizen, to know this information -- so you can take action.
Gabriel is urging all Americans to watch a DVD, Implications of the Syrian Refugee Crisis Briefing, which tackles this urgent issue. Click here for more information and follow the money, folks!