Friday, November 20, 2015

Obama tries to shame Americans into accepting Syrian Muslim refugees.

By Rob Janicki

Spoiler Alert:  The House on Thursday passed legislation prohibiting President Obama from bringing in Syrian refugees without further congressional investigations into how these refugee will be effectively vetted.  The House vote was enough to make it veto proof.  It remains to be seen what will happen in the Senate.  Prior to the House vote, Obama indicated he would veto any such legislation seeking to limit his executive power on this issue.

Recently, President Obama, in a fit of pique and petulance, purposely talked down to Americans to shame them into accepting Syrian refugees.  I find no where is there a moral or humanitarian imperative that commands any nation, let alone America, to take in refugees from anywhere, let alone from Syria, home of ISIS, the world's most brutal and savage radical Islamist animals that seek to murder anyone who will not submit to their vision of Islam.

There is no inherent right for anyone to emigrate to America, contrary to what our feckless president might say.  Additionally, and quite contrary to the dumbest president in American history, federal law does provide for considering a refugee's religion when considering whether to admit that refugee or not.

Obama's comments on Republicans as being heartless and un-American in barring entry to women  and three year old children is just so much radical liberal hogwash.  Has Obama not seen women suicide bombers and children also being used as suicide bombers?  Aside from that ridiculous hyperbole, Obama has failed to remind Americans that he actually ordered a 6 month pause in Iraqi  Muslim immigration in 2011.  Obama is now hypocritically pushing Syrian Muslim immigration while claiming that shutting the door to these immigrants would betray America's deepest values.  What is not generally known is that Syrian Christian and Jewish refugees have not been taken in proportion to their numbers in Syria.  The Obama administration has purposely glossed over that fact.

Mr. President, you are plainly betraying your oath of office to preserve and protect America from all enemies foreign and domestic and that includes possible radical islamist jihadis, which you refuse to call out for what they are and that is they are biggest threat to the American homeland possibly since World War Two.

There is no reasonable way at this time to adequately check the backgrounds of these Syrian Civil War refugees to prevent ISIS terrorists from infiltrating America to wield their brutal and savage acts of barbarity against Americans.  Virtually everyone in government involved with intelligence, from the CIA to the FBI, has indicated there is no reliable data base from which investigations can be conducted. 

Perhaps this issue will finally result in putting Obama in his place and constrain him from entering into this monumental security risk to our country and every American and resident in America.

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