Tuesday, October 6, 2015

If Only There Were a Bigot of the Year Award . . .

by Kim D.

 . . . it would go to ProfB in recognition of her classy tweet referencing Dr. Ben Carson:

According to Campus Reform, this is not the first time Professor Anthea Butler has posted controversial tweets; however, this one was rather classless and has led ProfB to protect her Twitter account like the coward she truly is. This latest tweet was in response to Ben Carson expressing an opinion on the Confederate flag and the right to display on private property and for fans to fly at NASCAR races.

The word “coon” is an offensive term to slander Africans, deriving from the Portuguese word “barracoos,” which is a hut-like dwelling used to store slaves during auctions, according to Online Etymology.
In effect, then, Butler’s tweet insinuated that Carson is a metaphorical slave who belongs in a wooden shed.
This is not the first time the religion studies professor made a racially charged comment on social media. Butler believes God is a “white racist...carrying a gun and stalking young black men” because George Zimmerman was found not guilty in the Trayvon Martin case, and also made bizarre remarks during the hype of Michael Brown’s death, referring it as a blood sacrifice.
Also worth noting is that Butler has tenure status, and once boasted that “I can’t get fired” over criticisms from the right, according to The College Fix.
Prof B also has a Tumblr account called The Things People Say: Musings on brilliant and ignorant transmissions of the internet in which she posts racist social media messages sent to her and conveniently omits the ones she authors.

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