Thursday, September 3, 2015

Trump to be "shamed" into signing loyalty pledge to RNC? Will "shunning" be far behind?

By Rob Janicki
It's being reported that the RNC, in the form of Chairman Reince
Priebus, will meet with Donald Trump to discuss a "loyalty pledge" to
support whoever the Republican Party nominates as their presidential
candidate and not oppose the Party's candidate in the general election
on November 8, 2016.  The meeting is to take place at Trump's office
in Trump Towers.  Interesting tactic, except that train seems to have
left the station in the first prime time candidate debate on FOX.

Trump refused to commit to such a pledge offered up by moderator Bret
Baier at the onset of the debate.  I may be a little fuzzy on the
details, but if Trump refused such an entreaty then, why would he
agree to such a pledge now that his polling numbers appear to have
further risen since that first debate?

If Trump declines, which I believe he will, exactly what will the RNC
do?  Will they order all Republicans to shun Trump?  Short of this
tactic, I can't seem to see where the RNC has much leverage, if any,
to get Trump to fall in line and sign any pledge.  Frankly, the RNC
appears to be a day late and more than a few dollars short in getting
Trump to do anything he doesn't want to do.

I can only imagine how Trump's supporters will react to this short
sighted and poorly timed RNC tactic.  They will circle the wagons,
decry the RNC's half baked day late tactic, attack the GOP Good Old
Boys establishment and Trump will probably rise even further in the

What the RNC, in particular, and the GOP establishment, in general,
does not realize, or refuses to acknowledge, is that Trump represents
a significant demographic of absolutely disenchanted voters who are so
angered at Republican inept and incompetent behavior, that they are
willing to ignore the fact that Trump does not really represent
conservative principles at virtually any level.  They see someone
willing to stick it to the GOP establishment and it's stoking the fire
in their collective bellies

The only hope the RNC and the GOP would seem to have would be to
winnow out a large majority of the 17 announced candidates in the
belief that someone in this reduced pack would rise to seriously
challenge Trump in the hearts and minds of voters.  My advice, to
those few who have a serious chance of winning the nomination, is to
create and clearly enunciate their own strategy to lead America to a
better place in he world and not engage in a food fight with Trump,
since that is what Trump is very good at.  Jeb Bush has already proven
that he is not up to playing Trump's game and the other serious
candidates would be wise to note Jeb's failed confrontational strategy
with Trump.

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