Saturday, September 5, 2015

Obama claims ignorance about Hillary's private email server

By Rob Janicki
Obama and Hillary seem to be cut from the very same lying cloth.  It's
a Sgt. Schultz, "I know nothing!", moment all over again.  Obama is on
record as saying that he found out about Hillary's private email
server, used for government communications, from the media like
everyone else.  That comment alone has to be a Five Pinocchio moment,
if there ever was one.

Obama is claiming ignorance of Hillary having and using her own
private email server for government communication. Does Obama really
expect anyone to believe that in the years that Hillary was Secretary
of State she had NO email communication with anyone in the White House
that would clearly show a non-government email address?  Obviously
Obama believes, like Hillary, that the public is so stupid that they
will not see through this facade of lies and obfuscations.

The White House, despite Obama's comments to the contrary, had to know
about Hillary's use of a private email server and its use for
transmission of classified government documents, whether they were
classified then or some time in the future.  The question becomes one
of why no one in the White House set Hillary straight from the git go.

Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, was the chief officer in the
State Department and thus responsible by law for knowing what
documents were, would be or should be classified documents.  Hillary
cannot continue to tell the public that she did not receive or send
any classified government documents through her personal email server.
Over 130 emails that Hillary has released to date, have already been
proven to have classified information within those emails.

Here's my take.  First, there is no love lost between the Obama's and
Clinton's.  That's been documented by numerous sources and has
appeared in several books authored by notable writers of the
Washington, D.C. political landscape.

Next, someone in the White House loyal to Obama like no other and in a
position to influence Obama, had to see the potential political legal
liability that could be attached to Clinton at an opportune time in
the future.  I'll get to that person in a moment.

Obama's burning desire, besides leaving some kind of ethereal legacy,
is to remain the guiding force in the Democrat party going forward for
decades from January 20, 2017, when he leaves office.  If Hillary were
to become president, she would become the titular head of the Democrat
Party and call every shot made by her handpicked DNC Chairperson.
Obama would become a distant memory only to be rolled out as window
dressing at important Democrat Party events.  Narcissist as he is,
Obama could never and would never settle for such a scenario.

And who would know that better than Obama's Rasputin, aka Valerie
Jarrett, who is reputed by multiple sources to be the real power
behind the Imperial throne that Obama jealously sits upon in the Oval
Office.  It's my contention that Valerie Jarrett immediately saw
Hillary's private email server as a very useful weapon to be used
against Hillary at a later date, should it become necessary.  Now,
Jarrett may not have begun the various House Committee investigations
into Hillary's emails, but I am certain she is quietly and
surreptitiously following the continuing developments in the scandal,
which has completely enveloped Hillary.  Should the investigations
falter for lack of substantial criminal liability evidence, Valerie
may well be the source that leaks the most incriminating evidence.

There is one hitch in this git along scenario.  Susan Rice, UN
Ambassador at the time of Hillary's term as Secretary of State, will
surely get pulled into this scandal, since she was intimately familiar
with Hillary's various practices in communicating classified
government documents outside of government authorized secure
communication means.  Rice may have to be sacrificed to save the White
House from any direct blowback from HillaryGate, but Rice is a long
time friend and ally of both Obama and Jarrett, going back to their
days together in Chicago and Illinois Democrat politics.  Therein lies
the conundrum for Valerie Jarrett.  Who does she protect?  I think the
answer is foregone.  Jarrett will protect Obama first, last and

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