Thursday, August 6, 2015

#IranDeal - When you dance with the Devil, you must expect to get burned.

By Rob Janicki
Obama has made a deal with the Devil and now he's trying to sell that
deal to Americans.  On Wednesday Obama made his nationwide pitch to
Americans on why it is essential for Congress to ratify the nuclear
weapons deal with Iran.

It must be remembered that a majority of Americans polled are opposed
to this deal with Iran and its secret side agreements.

Obama's speech to America was interesting as he  talked about the need
for bipartisanship and then proceeded to castigate opponents of his
nuclear give away to Iran.  It's a strange ploy indeed to tar your
opponents with allusions to terrorists in their opposition to what
most of our international allies consider to be a most destabilizing
adventure in idiocy by an American president.

Obama's claims of tight IAEA surveillance with immediate access to all
Iranian nuclear sites is a farce on its face.  Iran has already
contradicted that Obama claim quite often and quite loudly for all to
see and hear, except the Obama administration, which has turned a deaf
ear to those pronouncements.  In fact, the Obama administration has
tried its best to play the magician's game of distraction and
misdirection in plugging what could be the most disastrous
international agreement since the Munich Conference of September 29,

It was this agreement  between Germany's Chancellor, Adolph Hitler,
Great Britain's Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, and the diplomats
representing France and Italy, that saw Great Britain, France and
Italy sell out the rest of Europe to save their own freedom from an
expansionist Nazi Germany, which would prove to be short lived.  The
ink was hardly dry on the Munich Pact when Hitler's Germany declared
war on the world.

One cannot look into the hearts and minds of Obama and Kerry to
understand their motivation to force this nuclear agreement to
acceptance, but some things can be surmised.  It's obvious that
Obama's narcissism is propelling him in seeking something to form a
capstone of his historical legacy.  Obamacare is looking dimmer with
each passing day, week and month and cannot be looked upon as Obama's
most shining moment in history.  This nuclear agreement with Iran has
infected Obama's mind to the point that it's practically all he can
think about and act upon.

Kerry, on the other hand, is known to have thoughts of receiving a
Nobel Peace Prize for his crafting of this monstrous liberal
progressive giveaway that only a very liberal Nobel Peace Prize
committee could fall in love with.

Meanwhile, Iran, it's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khameini and the many
subordinate Islamic Mullahs and high level bureaucrats continue to
call for death to America, the Great Satan and death to Israel, the
Little Satan.  To add insult to injury, Obama has also made the claim
that he has done more for the security of Israel than any other
previous American President.  I guess surreptitiously throwing support
to the  political opponent of Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin
Netanyahu, was actually supporting Israel's security.  Curious how
Obama thinks.

In the end, Obama's Grand Plan will fail to provide security for the
world, America or Israel and Iran will achieve nuclear weapons status
sooner, rather than later.  And all this will fall at the feet of our
feckless president and his lackey Secretary of State.

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