Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Obama's legacy: Armageddon in the Middle East?

By Rob Janicki

Well, the deed is done.  It makes no difference what Congress says or
does.  President Obama has engaged in an exercise to weaken the
already stressed and piecemeal peace of the world, all the while
claiming he is bringing peace to the world, much like British Prime
Minister, Neville Chamberlain did at the Munich Conference of
September 28--29, 1938, during which the leaders of Great Britain,
France, and Italy agreed to allow Germany to annex certain areas of
Czechoslovakia.  It was shortly after this capitulation to Adolph
Hitler and German fascism that led to World War II

Obama has placed the world in line to experience serious perpetual war
of one kind or another, at one level or another.  As long as Iran
remains untouched by actual physical consequences to its nuclear
weapons development, the world, and in particular Israel and its
relatively peaceful and stable Islamic neighbors, will experience
greater jeopardy from Iran's terrorist surrogates in Syria, Lebanon
and Hamas in Gaza.

Iran has proven since 1979 that they cannot be trusted.  They have
broken every international agreement they have ever signed.  The
latest agreement with the 5 plus 1 group of nations is riddled with
the means for Iran to stall any on site inspection for 15 day
increments or more, with multiple levels of negotiations mandated
before any foreign experts are allowed to visit any site in Iran that
they suspect of violating this agreement.  Even each level of 15 day
delays may be extended if a consensus is reached between Iran and the
foreign inspectors.

The Mullahs, which rule Iran, are as ideologically radical as is ISIS.
They are simply somewhat more constrained by the immediate reality
before them and are willing to use the stealth of lying and cheating
as their means to an end over a longer time frame.  Iran will not stop
developing their nuclear weapons development.  They will slow down,
obfuscate and lie to cover what development they choose to continue,
but they will not stop.  In the meantime, with the help of the United
States and the other signatories of this disastrous agreement, Iran
will receive an estimated $150 billion dollars benefit as economic
sanctions are withdrawn.

Iran will use these funds to build and buy conventional arms with
which to arm their surrogates in the Middle East and around the world.
And just as dangerous as that may be, Iran will be able, under the
Obama agreement, to continue development of their Inter Continental
Ballistic Missiles.  Now, ask yourself why Iran would need to develop
ICBM's, which are meant to deliver nuclear weapons around the world,
unless they have a nuclear weapons payload to mount on these ICBMs, or
will have a nuclear weapons payload in the foreseeable future.

No matter how one looks at this Obama debacle, it places America and
the rest of the free world in jeopardy of what they will find to be
international blackmail by Iran of one kind or another, if not limited
actions of war by Iran on neighbors unable to defend themselves
against Iran's growing military powers.  Obama's agreement with Iran
has done nothing but set the wheels in motion for greater world
instability.  Lest anyone forget, Iran's mantra is death to Israel and
America.  And that comes from the government lead by the Mullahs.
Those threats could not have become public unless it was with the
explicit permission of the Mullahs and the Supreme Leader of Iran.

When Armageddon begins, it will happen in the Middle East and it will
touch America thanks to the traitorous administration of American
foreign policy by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John

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