Saturday, July 11, 2015

Obama, Our Most Idiotic President in History, Doubles Down: "We will never be at war with Islam."

We all recall what we thought was a stupid comment, when we heard Obama call ISIS the "JV team," last year.  Now we see that not only have they not gone away, they have gained momentum and property.  Before I get into the most idiotic thing Obama has said about terrorism, I'll remind you that, although ISIS is beheading and killing in the name of Islam, "convert to Islam or die, "Obama has said over and over again that they are not Islam."  But let's get to this new verbal fluff and fairy-tale soup, that the liberals are going to devour like s'mores and hot chocolate.

Used with permission by Glenn Foden

But of course, because his military genius plan of his to send 10,000 "mental-military-advisers" in high-heels, not combat boots and weapons, to defeat ISIS has worked thus far? Of course not, it hasn't even slowed their roll.  A "better idea" would have saved the millions of Jews in the Holocaust? "If only we'd thought out of the box and tried something other than Nazism first?"  Not to mention, we sure didn't win WWII by dropping "big, new ideas" on the Japanese, now did we?  I also love the fact that he's doubled down on his "we will never be at war with Islam." 

We, Mr. Obama it seems your Muslim faith has made you weak and blind to the dangers you continue to put our country in and that you favor Muslim terrorists like ISIS, as you have the Muslim Brotherhood. I can only assume that you have forgotten 9/11 and you aren't taking ISIS seriously or the hate that radical Islam feels for the USA.

Or the fact that ISIS continues to openly threaten us and threatens to bring their war to US Soil, yet again. Even though they, as well as other extremists believe they are carrying out what the Quran is telling them to do, in 109 versus, ordering them to "chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding."

No,  mr. Obama it's you that needs a "new idea" and way of thinking.  There's a reason the Almighty gave His Arch Angels swords, because even He knew that we can't fight evil with "tolerance, love and understanding."   "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prows around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."  
1 Peter 5:8

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