Thursday, March 26, 2015

#WakeUpAmerica Start Calling it Like You See it and Not the Way Liberals Want You to Repeat It

Quite the week here in the homeland...  We now know without question that at least one Republican is running for the office of the presidency.  Senator Ted Cruz, from the great state of Texas has announced his intent.  And with that, the nauseating liberal media did not waste any time vilifying him for it! Unjustly? 

Perhaps, but we as a nation being led by this Obama, have become somewhat desensitized by the liberal left, their ideology, media attacks and perhaps just have grown accustomed to these flagrant fouls that go unchallenged!  The liberal left continues to diminish Senator Cruz solely because his beliefs don't jive with their own distorted sense of reality!  Case in point, the women, (and I use that term loosely) of the spew, I mean "The View" who said this....

Because of stellar programming like the View, some Americans choose to either watch and agree, or simply disagree.  That's not good enough if we as patriots truly want to change the current direction of the country!  As the Great One, Mark Levin warned everyone on his talk show, and I am paraphrasing, Obama is not changing the country, the Constitution, or the government.  
Also this week, Bowe Bergdahl, you remember the Sergeant that deserted his post, turned his back on America, left his platoon and as many as 6 servicemen looking for this trash lost their lives.  The same person whom this Administration traded 5 top Taliban members for, and with his infinite wisdom, this Obama invites Bergdahls parents to the rose garden and said this....

Wake up America, and realize this administration, top to bottom insult your intelligence DAILY!

Still not convinced? Okay, do you remember when Susan Rice once again made the Sunday rounds regarding Bergdahl and said this with a straight face....

When are we as a nation going to wake up and not be insulted anymore!  When people are vilified by the left for their beliefs in the rights of the unborn, or a dissenting view of global warming, not factually backed by science, or because he or she believes in Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 
WE must start calling things for what they are, a complacent society, ill informed voters, and a nation of dependence on big government and not of self reliance!  These few examples that I have delineated above are just a microcosm of what this Obama and his acolytes are doing to YOU the informed, concerned, patriots that love this great country! 

WAKE UP AMERICA, take a stand, educate a liberal with facts, because it is getting more and more difficult for them to defend this Obama and his administration!  Start calling it like you see it......

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