Friday, March 20, 2015

Obama Refuses to Renew 40-year-old Emergency Oil Supply Pact with Israel; Careful Obama, Your Anti-Semitism is Showing

By Elizabeth Nelson

Obama tried to do to Netanyahu and Israel, what he did to our Country during his elections, only he was trying to sway another country's election, by telling Herzog, "It's easy to fool sheep. Convince them 'hope and change' is a policy and a plan and your opponent is racist and divisive. However, don't forget to bus in Arabs, from across the border, to fill the ballot box." But it didn't work, their people aren't as gullible as Americans.  Sure, the real Obama showed out, but God showed up and miraculously Netanyahu won.

Now Obama is trying another route, cripple their oil and credit. Our 40-year-old Emergency Oil Supply Pact with Israel expired November 2014 and Obama has refused to renew a historic pact that Israel has never invoked but has used to borrow against.
Its importance lies in its very existence. 
The birth of a strong alliance and bond between friends? The agreement was first signed in 1975 during the Ford administration, after the Yom Kippur War and following the second disengagement agreement between Israel and Egypt, under which Israel agreed to withdraw from the Egyptian oil fields in Sinai. The agreement by the US to guarantee Israel’s oil supply in emergencies was one of the most important of the incentives that motivated Israel to give up the oil fields, making them reliant on others.
One of Carter's greatest achievements was the Camp David Agreement, in 1979. Israel and Egypt signed the Camp David Agreements, which were accompanied by two agreements between the US and Israel in the format of the 1975 agreement. In these agreements, the US gave Israel guarantees that Israel would have access to American oil if it was unable to supply the demand of its internal energy market because of war constraints or sea line problems and would even go so far as to assist in transporting the oil to Israel, if Israel was unable to appropriate the required oil tankers.

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been highly critical of these talks, and it’s no secret the Obama administration has been frustrated by Israel’s criticisms of a nuclear deal with Iran." Read More Newsmax

When someone shows you who they are, you believe them and don't make excuses for their bad behavior. Anyone who believes Obama isn't an anti-Semite is either an anti-Semite themselves or chooses to be blind, deaf and dumb to the truth.  
Everything in this man screams how much he hates Jews, Christians and anything American, but many in our Country willingly turn a blind eye to this man, even after almost two terms of his unlawful behavior, and it blows my mind. 

Fortunately, for US security, the Israeli people aren't as gullible and blind as the American people obviously still are, even after almost two terms of Obama, he was unsuccessful in his attempt to overthrow incumbent President Netanyahu. America is safer for Obama's habitual failure.  

We all know, by now, Obama didn't call Netanyahu the day of or even the day after he won to congratulate him on his victory. Heck, his first call was probably to Iran's President Hassan Rouhani to console and commiserate with him over Netanyahu's miraculous victory. 

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