Monday, March 30, 2015

Chaos in the Middle East brought to you by an incompetent Obama administration.

By Rob Janicki
Obama's incompetence in foreign affairs is the single greatest contributing factor in the chaos we see running rampant across the Middle East today.  With the arbitrary time limit approaching for an agreement to be reached between the U.S. and Iran over a supposed cessation of Iran's development of a nuclear program, our Arab allies have concluded that President Obama's foolhardy and contrary path of negotiations with Iran will simply lead to a nuclear Iran, no matter the text of any agreement.  Our Arab allies are not stupid and they are not sitting idly by in the meantime.

Saudi Arabia and nine other Arab states are taking up arms against Iran's surrogate, the Shiite terrorist Houthis in Yemen.   Will it be long before these 10 nations actually take up arms and attack Shiite Iran?  Are we about to witness a cataclysmic confrontation between Sunnis and Shiites in the Middle East?  It's shaping up to look that way.

Iran's support of terrorist organizations is widely known.  Iran essentially controls events in Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen and to some degree in Syria.  Meanwhile, Iran has had their surrogate, the Houthi terrorists, overthrow the Yemen government and chase American diplomats and military resources from Yemen, all the while our Commander in Chief has been sitting idly by not knowing what to do or where to do it.

Sunni Arabs may well be the coalition that attacks Shiite Iran to prevent it from becoming a nuclear weaponized Shiite nation with hegemony over the entire Middle East, including all the Sunni Muslim nations.

Would this complete regional chaos have come into being without President Obama's complete failure to understand the reality of the dynamics in play in these countries?  Obama's foreign policy actions have done nothing but embolden Iran, while sowing discord among our Arab allies and friends.  Our Arab allies clearly see and understand the dangers of a nuclear Iran.  They have seen Iran's influence metastasize throughout the region through its support of terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, etc.

I fully expect to see Iran develop and use a nuclear weapon in the Middle East in less than five years.  The leadership of Iran is so far from the norm of rational thinking that there simply is nothing that will dissuade them from any other course of action at this point in time.  Iran will, in time, attack Israel with a nuclear weapon.  That is their solemn goal and they have not minced words in letting the world know what their goal is.

Meanwhile, President Obama and his co-conspirator in chaos, Secretary of State, John Kerry, play at reaching an agreement with Iran that will, at best, stall Iran's plans to develop a nuclear weapon for several years or so, until these two political misfits are out of office, thus leaving a monumental mess for the next American president to try and clean up.  However, it will be immeasurably more difficult with a nuclear Iran already in place.

Obama's legacy will be one of complete chaos that may or may not be reversible, thus leaving the world in a far more dangerous position.

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