Friday, May 13, 2016

TX tells Obama: Take Your 30 Pieces of Silver and Shove 'Em

by Kim D.

I was recently telling a follower why I liked living in Texas. Quite simply, I feel a tad bit more freer and not 100% subject to the madness of the rest of the country. Dan Patrick, our Lt. Governor, embodies this attitude. In Texas, we don't go along to get along, at least in the area of kowtowing to forced acceptance in the transgender bathroom nonsense.

No decent person wants to discriminate against people simply needing to use public restroom facilities; however, no decent person wants to violate the privacy of the most vulnerable among us - our children. However, as a thief in the night, with his phone and his pen, Obama decreed this forced acceptance to penalize children and expose them to notions that simply should not be apart of their everyday, school learning process.
An Obama administration directive issued late Thursday amid a court fight between the federal government and North Carolina says public schools must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity.
In other words, public schools must allow transgendered students to use restroom and locker room facilities of their choice not as biology has assigned them at birth. If states do not abide by this royal decree, then they will have federal funds withheld, penalizing the poorest of citizens who must rely on the public school system and entitlements granted.

Dan Patrick, along with other Texas leaders like Governor Abbott and Senator Ted Cruz, sees this latest move by the Obama administration as a states' rights violation and has vowed to fight. Patrick has told Obama the equivalent of "Hell to the No" and to keep his 30 pieces of silver and shove them where the sun doesn't shine, meaning Texas will not be blackmailed with the threat of comply or lose federal funding for public school entitlements, like free lunches.

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