Tuesday, May 31, 2016

PETA and P.C. Domme's crack their Caring Whips...again. Is your boohiney sore yet?

PETA and the P.C. Domme's and Dominatrices cracked their Caring Whips again as is evidenced by this headline on MSN.com:

wait for it...
wait for it...
here it comes...
the whips are flicking...
the whips meet skin...

Outrage. A word that shows the world the P.C. crowd cares more than you. But exactly what were they outraged about?  Why, that a precious gorilla, [wailing!] endangered, [beating of chest in agony] was shot and killed when everybody knew the way to handle it was simply to charge with a crime the parents of the little boy who, by the way, was being dragged around by the friendly gorilla who only wanted to educate the boy on the ways of his kingdom.

Yes, high crimes and misdemeanors! Impose fines [gnashing of teeth] on those awful, awful parents and let the courts settle the issue, but don't shoot the animal that is dragging the human child right now. How dare those uncaring gun-lovers shoot the precious -- and highly popular -- animal who, through no fault of his own, had his natural habitat destroyed by global warming when the ocean rose and took over his property and now, [gloom, despair, and agony] has to live in a [gasp] man-made zoo?  Horrors. Why, if they had only asked the advice of Those Who Care, the gorilla would still be alive and available for stud.

Yes, PETA (we all know how ethical they are, right?) and the P.C. Whippers and their acolytes, the P.C. Whipped, were absolutely beside themselves when they saw a gun was used, an endangered animal was killed, and worse: a human child was saved. Don't you, the heaving masses of the great unwashed in the ways of Caring with a C, know that it is the human which must be sacrificed if there is a choice between saving it or an animal?

Oh, I can double guar-oh-damn-tee you that if the child had been killed or otherwise harmed and the gorilla was still alive, PETA and the P.C. crowd would never have said a word. With the P.C. crowd, the evil people are the good men and women who must quickly assess a situation, weigh options, make a decision, and take a tough and unpopular action to save a human life by using a gun against an animal.

I applaud the actions of those people who had to quickly make it happen. They did the right thing. As for the parents, they've already been sacrificed on the altar of public opinion. Let's only hope that those who must decide to bring charges against them will weigh all the evidence in the light of what it means to be a parent. Because every parent I know has had close calls wherein their child did something so stupid that got them hurt or within a finger's breadth from getting killed. Every parent has -- or will soon -- experience this. 

That these parents had a child who chose a most-public moment to do something stupid will forever haunt them. Ten years from now some P.C. Whipped pseudo journalist with writer's block will go back in the archives and look for a story to revisit. There will be pictures of the kid in school, and a picture of the parents that will be spun to either make them look suitably chastened or will be captioned to make them look like the evil people they are so that, in any case, the P.C. crowd will feel vindicated in their outrage.

These parents are probably just like the parents you and I are. The kind that has every gray hair and wrinkle for a reason, but who moves on with their life and lives to tell the tale in their old age of that son of theirs that just about died because of that time he was so curious he crawled in to the gorilla cage, and, Lordy, have they had their hands full keeping up with his curious ways, and boy, oh, boy, are they glad he's got a kid just like himself so he can know what they went through. Yes, that's most parents' prayer, much like this comedy routine:

Personally, I blame the P.C. crowd for the boy crawling in. You see, the boy probably saw many pictures of a gorgeous gal hugging a wild animal, with a caption that reads in pure P.C. style: 

Animals know when we CARE about them. See? They will live in peaceful co-existence with humans if our attitude of CARING is strong enough.

Sure they will...
until they get hungry.


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