Again today we suspend the rule that orange cats should not be political pundits to examine a development unthinkable a year ago: The major political parties are self-destructing.
Republicans seem more hell-bent on suicide, but let’s start with the Democrats,
where the nominating system was rigged to create a glide path for Hillary
Clinton’s nomination for president. When Bernie Sanders started getting too
many votes, the elites pulled out their insurance policy – convention
superdelegates. Sanders supporters are crying foul. They get little traction
because reporters hate Bad Stuff 'Bout Democrats, but the effects in November will
be huge. Picking Sanders for VP seems to be out of the question.
Because the
media like negative stories about conservatives, the GOP is getting far the
worse of coverage. Careers of elites, party functionaries and slobbering
followers have already been destroyed, and the road to the convention is paved
with land mines. Donald Trump steamrollered Jeb Bush early to the cheers of
millions. Every other candidate the elites tried to push with rigged polls, TV
ads and biased coverage fizzled until Ted Cruz emerged.
elites can’t ring for their stooge superdelegates, so they are trying to create
the equivalent with sleazy deals involving rules, which vary by state. In
Colorado, some GOP voters feel disenfranchised because the party had neither a
primary nor a caucus; leaders decided to give all their delegates to Cruz, apparently in accordance with the rules.
Where this
all goes, nobody knows.’s Bruce Abramson has a good take: “[W]e are
likely witnessing the last few primaries as we know them. By 2020, the system
will likely reflect either the will of party leaders or the will of party
members, with little pretense of trying to serve both.”
your vote will not count. Perhaps it never did.