Tuesday, March 22, 2016

War on Terror - Welcome to the New Normal

by Kim D.

The terror attack in Brussels, which has dominated the news today and interrupted Obama's Cuban vacation, is no surprise. Unless you've been hibernating in a cave, seeing such an attack, as horrendous as it was to victims and loved ones, doesn't strike the terror in our hearts like those that began last year when ISIS, emboldened by the world's political correctness and inactivity to squelch evil, was beheading Christians and silencing those who dared to speak against radical Islam (i.e. the Charlie Hebdo and Garland, TX attacks).

Welcome to the new normal. Unless Americans adopt an affirmative policy and act to eradicate this cancer which began in the Middle East and has infiltrated Europe, we can expect more attacks here on the homeland. As brutal as it may initially sound, Kurt Schlichter has the obvious answer:

Which leads to an important question to consider when voting in this year's primary: Who  will be the most effective in finishing this war, if that even is possible? Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee in the 2016 general election.  It doesn't matter how well Bernie Sanders has done in this election, the super delegates will ensure he will not secure the nomination. So, how would Hillary fight ISIS and all evil which falls under the notion of radical and lethal Islam?

After the deadly Paris attacks, Hillary said the following:

"ISIS is demonstrating new ambition, reach and capabilities. We have to break the group’s momentum and then its back. Our goal is not to deter or contain ISIS, but to defeat and destroy ISIS.
But we have learned that we can score victories over terrorist leaders and networks, only to face metastasizing threats down the road, so we also have to play and win the long game. We should pursue a comprehensive counterterrorism strategy, one that embeds our mission against ISIS within a broader struggle against radical jihadism that is bigger than any one group, whether it’s Al Qaida or ISIS or some other network."
She continues outlining a complicated strategy of healing hearts and minds combined with attacking ISIS and eradicating its threat. What she and Obama, and most liberals in general, don't understand is that there is no changing the hearts and minds of those consumed with evil. The only option is to destroying the threat each and every time it rears its horrid head.

So, onto the other side of the aisle - there are only two candidates who have a serious chance of legitimately capturing the Republican nomination - Donald Trump (the front runner) and Ted Cruz. John Kasich has basically been reduced to the annoying role of a spoiler and we will see whom he pulls votes from in the Arizona and Utah primaries.

Donald Trump has been all over the place in regard to foreign policy from banning Muslims from entering the country to deporting any an all illegal aliens to advocating a hand's off role, letting Putin take charge and combat ISIS. More recently in the March Republican debate - Trump gave another version of what he would do to defeat ISIS:
HUGH HEWITT: Mr. Trump, more troops? 
TRUMP: We really have no choice. We have to knock out ISIS. We have to knock the hell out of them. We have to get rid of it. And then come back and rebuild our country, which is falling apart. We have no choice. 
HEWITT: How many . . .  
TRUMP: I would listen to the generals, but I’m hearing numbers of 20,000 to 30,000. We have to knock them out fast. Look, we’re not allowed to fight. We can’t fight. We’re not knocking out the oil because they don’t want to create environmental pollution up in the air.
Now the front runner is aligning his rhetoric with the guy nipping at his heels - Ted Cruz, the consistent conservative whose message has not wavered since day one. Cruz has been even bolder in his solution which is basically carpet bombing the hell out of them. Cruz has called for a strategy of "whatever is necessary" to defeat ISIS.

Hillary Clinton will provide more of the same, a continuation of leading from behind and bowing to the sensitivities of those who demand political correctness.  Donald Trump talks a good game in which his myriad of talking points flip flop to suit the immediate needs of the day. Only Ted Cruz has the philosophy correct - evil exists and a determined, unwavering leader must be elected to strengthen and protect America and provide the world a healing hand when needed.