Monday, February 29, 2016

#CommonCore is a disaster - Trump U is awesome!

by Kim D.

Donald Trump from the get go declared Common Core a disaster and knowingly did so because Jeb Bush had previously and enthusiastically supported federal educational guidelines. Now that American families have experienced Common Core and have seen it to be just as Trump decried, this is a great talking point and one must give kudos to Trump for speaking out on the issue.

But the vetting of candidates shouldn't stop there.  It's easy to say what one is against but rather difficult to stake a claim for what one is for and Trump has a rather sketchy past in regard to education. What exactly was Trump University?

Really? An "A"???
As Cruz mentioned in the last debate, if Trump is the Republican nominee, we may see him on the witness stand before Hillary gets there. 
Some on Twitter have weighed in with their thoughts on Trump and his past dalliance into the realm of education: