Monday, March 28, 2016

Always look before you give

By Mouser the King Cat

Americans are among the most charitable people on the planet. The U.S. ranks #2 in the latest World Giving Index, behind Myanmar. Rounding out the top five are New Zealand, Canada and Australia.

According to a new report, U.S. charitable giving is expected to increase 2.6% this year to $489.8 billion, even though every soul not speaking on CNBC’s air thinks the economy is crappy. From The Chronicle of Philanthropy:
           Giving is expected to be modest as a result of recent turmoil in the stock market, the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike in December, and political giving that will drive donors’ dollars away from nonprofits, said a report recently released by Atlas of Giving. Still, some positive trends may have a beneficial effect on donor behavior, the study notes, including low oil and gas prices …

Fair enough. Got my checkbook out. But I’m never writing another one to the Wounded Warriors Project, which has raised more than a billion dollars, supposedly to help those hurt in Iraq and Afghanistan. CBS News blew the whistle with the help of former employees, revealing the charity was spending 40% to 50% of money raised for expenses, including extravagant parties.

Said veteran Eric Millette, once a motivational speaker for WWP: “I’ll be damned if you’re gonna take hard-working Americans’ money and drink it and waste it, instead of helping those brave men and women who gave you the freedom to walk the face of this earth.”

Naturally, the board of directors was shocked – shocked, I tell you – to hear that gambling was going on at Rick’s. The top two executives were fired. Perhaps this outfit can be saved, but probably not. The person to do it is Jessie Jane Duff (@jessiejaneduff). Somebody someday will listen.

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