Tuesday, February 23, 2016

It Is Time For Us To Say No

By William McRight

None of this makes any sense. We have to draw a line in the sand and say No.

For years, the Republican Party has been driven into the wall by establishment types who tell us one thing on the stump and do other far more insidious things once they get to DC.  They claim to be stalwart smaller government champions, conservative to their core and then they capitulate and make deals with the McCains, Grahams, Collins, Flake and Cornyn types. They sell out our agenda for Washington’s agenda.

To listen to the media, we only have two choices. An oafish, unqualified, poorly spoken, authoritarian “businessman” or a man who ran for the Senate as a Tea Party Darling who promptly made a deal with squish Republicans and Democrats to sponsor immigration legislation that he knew would and then he knew wouldn’t pass. What a great set of options. Choose the guy who is a life long Democrat who still talks like one or a guy with bafflingly poor judgment.

Meanwhile, the Senator who has actually beaten said oafish “businessman” is marginalized as mean, nasty and a liar. The Senator is lauded as as “the closest we have seen to Reagan in our lifetimes.” Yet we are supposed to simply look past him to the choices that the “establishment” tells us are acceptable. The same establishment who gave us McCain, Graham, Flake, Dole, the Bushes, McConnell, Kirk, Collins, Ayotte and all of the other hacks who tell us they know what is best for us. While screwing us and passing every whim and caprice of Barack Obama in the interest of “getting things done” for the American people.

It is time for us to say No.

We do not want a man who when pressed ALWAYS reverts back to a liberal position. Healthcare, Guns, Taxes, Planned Parenthood always seem to find the liberal low water mark with the current frontrunner.  We do not want a man who cannot be bothered to have a modicum of grace when an opponent fires a longtime friend and advisor. We do not want a man who calls himself a “common sense conservative” but cannot define what that is by any measure. We do not want a man who is not bold enough to pick a fight with a faux conservative frontrunner but insists on hurling invective and half truths at a man who has spent his life defending conservative principles. We do not want a man who says in the Israeli Palestinian conflict, he will remain “neutral.”

It is time for us to say No.

Remembering history is hard. With a true conservative, the Constitution is valued. With a true conservative, the size and scope of government decreases. With a true conservative, we stand up a strong military, honor our commitments, mean what we say and say what we mean. With a true conservative, the economy booms as the private sector understands the value of the government getting out of the way.  With a true conservative, liberty is valued above all else and all decisions are filtered through the Constitution.

It is time for us to say No

Saying No is not easy. We need to consider this tactically and strategically. As conservative Republicans, we need to elect the same. This space has featured hearty endorsement of Senator Ted Cruz. To that end, the tactic must be to create a conservative debate that doesn’t feature a liberal in Republican clothing. Senator Cruz and Senator Rubio MUST form a Team of Rivals and dispatch Trump. We simply cannot endure an administration that again, says one thing and does another. Two capable litigators like Cruz and Rubio could quickly undo Trump as the fraud he is if they train their fire on him. That is the first No. No Trump.  Should they accomplish this, all of us as students and fans of political theater would enjoy a Cruz – Rubio Battle Royale. If we get that, we America wins. We can go into the voting booth and say Yes. Yes to conservatism, Yes to smaller, more responsible government. Yes to young, forward looking leadership.

But first, we have to say No.

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