Saturday, February 27, 2016

Establishment GOP - A cornered rat will do anything

By Mouser the King Cat

The GOP elites are going down the drain, and they know it. The wrath of Cruz and Trump voters will be delivered Tuesday night. So are these cornered rats going to be gracious in defeat? No way in hell. From Politico:

Conservative donors have engaged a major GOP consulting firm in Florida to research the feasibility of mounting a late, independent run for president amid growing fears that Donald Trump could win the Republican nomination.

 A memo prepared for the group zeroes in on ballot access as a looming obstacle for any independent candidate, along with actually identifying a viable, widely known contender and coalescing financial support for that person. The two states with the earliest deadlines for independent candidates, Texas and North Carolina, also have some of the highest hurdles for independents to get on the ballot, according to the research.

These donors, who consider themselves masters of the universe, know their stooges in the media have lost their mojo along with all their credibility. They can’t count on finessing a brokered GOP convention with everybody watching. Signatures to get an independent candidate on the ballot must be gathered by May 9 in Texas and June 9 in North Carolina. Those states represent 38 electoral votes. Without them in play, any third party candidate is DOA.

Oh, and what about a candidate? Guess they will cross that bridge when they get to it.

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