Tuesday, January 5, 2016

So long, Karl Rove

Yesterday was the first business day of 2016. The financial markets are cranking up, poised to tank (unless they don’t). You may have also heard this is a presidential election year.

Months of debates and other media-driven nonsense have produced spirited races, plus a large contingent of voters sick of all Democratic dogs and GOP gerbils. It’s too early to predict winners, but there is one loser already … Karl Rove.

Mr. Rove’s American Crossroads political action committee raised $117 million to support Mitt Romney for president four years ago. He squeezed the last of it out late in the game by guaranteeing his billionaire suckers – er, donors – that Mr. Romney was on the cusp of a “mandate.”

Fox News continues to give Mr. Rove a forum as a “contributor,” despite his bias toward the failed candidacy of Jeb Bush. To the money men, he’s dead. Donations are down 99% this time around.

“I gave Rove $500,000. What did I get for it? Nothing,” said Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone as he bitched to Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine. Another Rove sucker speaking out is John Jordan, a winemaker from California:

Few noticed, but the rules of the game changed in 2015. It took the candidacy of a loud, brassy former donor type to change them. Now his fellow billionaires are investing carefully, if at all.

Meanwhile, I am attacking Mr. Rove with the ultimate TV weapon – my remote.