Friday, December 18, 2015

Stop the social media punishment

ROTW Contributor: Angela Durden

That’s right. S.T.O.P.
If you read my blog on the new slave class, then you’ll know from whence I’m coming. If you haven’t, read it. You’ll like it.  In any case, there’s this thing that’s been happening lately on Twitter and it’s this: If I follow you and you do not follow me back, why I’ll just unfollow you.

So there. Off with your head, you ungrateful person you.
What does that accomplish? Absolutely nothing other than you are…once again…chasing algorithms instead of real engagements or providing entertainment (which will make me laugh and want to pay attention to you) or pass along good information (which will make me think, maybe save money or improve my life, and then I’ll really like you.)

But no. These social media titans want us to go around and PUNISH each other. Well, to that I say…

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