Monday, December 21, 2015

Barack Obama, ISIS's greatest recruiting tool.

By Rob Janicki

Mr. & Mrs. America, you are expendable as collateral domestic terrorist victims as are those in the international Islamist terrorist war zones controlled by ISIS in Syria and Iraq.  Islamist terrorists clearly understand that our feckless president, for whatever reason, will not seriously challenge and engage radical Islamists anywhere.

You see, President Obama is desperately trying to run out the clock on his second term.  Of course the Narcissist in Chief sees himself, as he sees the world, in a delusional reality.   

The scary part is that Obama has made a 'cost/benefit' analysis and decided that a relatively small number of Americans are simply expendable here and there as long as the numbers are manageable and do not lead to a national security crisis jeopardizing his already low political standing among Americans that would further tarnish his legacy, as he sees it.  

In the final analysis of history, Obama believes he will be seen as the defender of peace in the Middle East.  We will never know with a certainty who the peace is intended for.  It certainly isn't for the Christians and Jews of the region, since Obama conveniently ignores their losses and actually condemns the Jews of Israel for their behavior in dealing with the thugs and criminals of the Palestinian Authority.

In the end, it's all about President Obama's historical legacy as he sees it.  He has resigned himself to accepting what he views as manageable numbers of terrorist caused fatalities and casualties here and there domestically, as well as in the Middle East, as long as he does not have to do anything to seriously confront radical Islam on either the domestic or international scene.  

We can only speculate why Obama doesn't want to confront radical Islam.  What is certain, based upon empirical observation, is that Obama most certainly does not want to engage radical Islam militarily at any level of consequence for the Islamist terrorists.  If he did, he would engage in much more dynamic actions to at least curtail ISIS's ability to maintain a viable presence in Syria and Iraq. 

From day one of Obama's first administration, he has promised to extricate America from all foreign military  adventures.  Further, Obama has only engaged in overseas military operations when he could not avoid such confrontation and when he could lead from behind with a consortium of allied forces doing the bulk of the military work.

I fully expect to see further acts of violence on American soil perpetrated by radical Islamists in the last year of Obama's term of office, while these terrorists believe they have the chance to do so

I will leave it to other experts to determine if Obama's various behavior of inaction amounts to a dereliction of his duty to Americans and a violation of his oath of office as President of the United States of America. 

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