Thursday, October 22, 2015

What Difference Will the #Benghazi Hearing Make?

by Kim D.

It's begun. Former Secretary of State is in attendance and prepared to answer questions before the Benghazi committee led by SC Rep. Trey Gowdy. As Gowdy opens with his remarks, Hillary Clinton sits with her chin resting on hands, looking rather bored as she and the rest of us listen to the background of what happened to four men who died tragically on 9/11/2012.

Her hands drop once Gowdy's remarks address her personally:  "Madame Secretary, I understand there are people frankly in both parties who have suggested that this investigation is about you. Let me assure you it is not, and let me assure you why is not." Then Gowdy lays out the reasons why the committee was formed to investigate the Benghazi incident and why it should make a difference:

  • it is about four people who were killed representing America on foreign soil
  • it is about what happened before, during, and after the attacks that killed them
  • it is about what America owes to those who risk their lives to serves it
  • it is about the fundamental obligation of government to tell the truth to the people who it purports to represent.
So, back to the original question . . . what difference will this hearing make? The spotlight and attention are on the presumed Democratic nominee for the 2016 presidential race. Whether the attention is good or bad makes no difference; this week, especially with the announcement from Joe Biden that he will not seek the nomination, trains all eyes on Hillary Clinton. Pundits predict nothing earth shattering will come from the testimony. Those who support Clinton will do so after today is long gone. Those who don't probably will like her less.

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