Saturday, October 3, 2015

Unbelievably (or maybe not), Obama doubles down on stupid.

By Rob Janicki

Obama's news conference on Friday was a trip down the rabbit hole in Obama's Alice In Wonderland  delusional world view.

Essentially, Obama lectured Vladimir Putin for not understanding how the civilized world works out conflicts among nations, as if foreign policy was to be engaged in some kind of Marquis of Queensbury rules of engagement between opposing geopolitical forces.   Obama went on to point out to Putin just how bad the Russian economy is and how this can only lead to a Russian failure in its adventure in Syria and other places in the region.

Nothing illustrates failed leadership more than talking down to an adversary in a superior position that has already made a fool of you on the world stage, Mr. Obama.

It's now completely obvious just how totally locked in to a failed political world view, Obama really is.  Obama's world view isn't just wrong, it's extremely dangerous for the rest of the world, especially those in the Middle East and our allies in Europe.  While Obama engages in a debate to lecture Putin, Putin is engaged in a street fight with a debater that insists upon painting a reality that does not exist on the ground in Syria and its environs.

Putin's adventure is not just a solo effort.  He already has the Syrians and Iranians aligned with his plans for the region and Iraq is sure to follow simply to remain an existing nation state, even if in name only.

Obama's response, to the world view of Putin as a chess master, was that Syria is not a chess board and Putin is no chess master.  Meanwhile, Obama continues to play tiddlywinks and Putin plays the foreign policy chess game with precision and a clear vision of what the outcome likely will be.

Putin's plan is simple and straightforward.  The Russians will help Assad's military completely destroy all U.S. supported rebels in Syria, which shouldn't take much more effort.  Then Putin will lay down the ultimatum that the U.S. and it allies must accept Bashir Assad remaining in power or Assad and the Russians will do nothing to engage ISIS, which will then run rampant in eastern Syria, western Iraq and the northern region of Iraq, currently the Kurdish region of Iraq, which should be almost easy, since Obama has refused to supply the Kurds with any serious military equipment to counter ISIS.

In Obama's plan to degrade and defeat ISIS, Obama has done nothing but initiate pin prick bombing of ISIS forces.  In 18 months of this foregone failure, Obama has achieved absolutely nothing to degrade ISIS, let alone defeat ISIS.  Bombing has been so minimal that allied aircraft often return to base with most, if not all, their ordinance still on board and unused.

Unfortunately for America and its allies, Obama's delusional view of the way the world works, will continue to drive Obama's "leadership from the rear" management of foreign policy for the next 18 months and the world will progressively become a more dangerous place as a result.

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