Friday, October 2, 2015

Obama's failed foreign policy on display for all to see in Syria and beyond.

By Rob Janicki

For years many have thought that President Obama was a failed leader in American foreign policy for lack of competence.  This was dismissed by many in the MSM as pure political partisanship as they defended their ideological Messiah.

Now the MSM has to come to the harsh reality that such opposition to Obama's foreign policy construction has substance to it.  Obama's policy in the Middle East is based upon a delusion.  The delusion being that Russia, Syria, Iran and Iraq would act in their own best economic interest since their economies are in dire straights and that once achieving this revelation, would act like good members of the global community.  Unfortunately, that does not represent the reality we are seeing.   President Obama's world view is simply antithetical to all his predecessors, Democrat and Republican alike.

What we are seeing in Syria and Northwest Iraq is the natural result of Obama's failure to stop Syria's dictator, Bashir Assad back in 2012, when Obama declared a red line in the sand should Assad continue to use weapons of max destruction upon the citizens of Syria. The assumption by the west was that Obama would engage Assad's regime with military force should Assad continue the mass murders .  They were wrong.   Assad continued to kill Syrians in droves with chemical weapons and Obama did nothing to stop him.  It's estimated that 250,000 Syrian civilians have been killed to date by the Syrian military at the direction of Bashir Assad.

It was only then that Russia's Vladimir Putin stepped in and got Assad to turn over his stock pile of chemical weapons, or what Assad declared was the limit of his stockpile of chemical weapons, for destruction by the west.  It became apparent that Assad held back some chemical weapons as documented in subsequent events involving the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian military at Assad's direction.  Still, the United States and western Europe did nothing.  This did not go unnoticed by Vladimir Putin

Fast forward a couple of years.  Russia's Putin read the mind of Obama and decided that Obama and western Europe had no stomach for challenging Russia and any of its surrogates in the neighborhood he coveted.  It was then a foregone conclusion based upon Putin's historical perspective to recreate a second Russian Empire, that he would invade the Crimea with a greater eye toward eastern Ukraine and much more in time.  

For 150 years it was the policy of the United States and western Europe to keep Russia out of the Crimea and easy access to the Mediterranean.  In less than four years, President Obama has reversed  a foundational foreign policy aimed towards isolating Russia from establishing a greater sphere of influence in the region and into the Middle East.

The world is now seeing the results of Obama's delusional vision of a world that does not exist and will never exist.  Russia has a military foothold in Syria.  It has entered into an alliance with both Iran and Iraq to share intelligence ostensibly on ISIS.  Yet, Russian jet fighters have been attacking the forces of the Free Syrian Army and not ISIS.  Iran is already a surrogate partner of Russia.  Expect to see Iraq fall into the same roll as Iran, but in a far more subservient role. 

Putin has plainly made a fool of President Obama since the two met at the United Nations earlier this week on Monday.  The proof is that on Tuesday a Russian three star general walked into the U.S. Embassy in Iraq and told the U.S. diplomats that in an hour the Russians would be flying attack missions inside Syria and the United States should stay out of Syria.  This Russian action has caught the Obama administration completely flatfooted and made a fool out of President Obama on the world stage and completely upset the balance of power in the region.  150 years of foreign policy in the region dashed by Obama's delusional world view.

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