John Boehner's parting "gift" was to once again cave in on another GOP principle. Apparently Boehner did not even try to maintain at least some modicum of fiscal responsibility in the budget process. Instead, Boehner said he was "clearing the deck" for Paul Ryan's ascension to the position of Speaker of the House.
Boehner went on to indicate that going along with Obama's wishes simply kept government working into March of 2017, thus allowing Paul Ryan some flexibility to work on other issues. My question is simple. What issue is more important than keeping the Obama administration from further outrageous spending?
By agreeing to signing off on a Continuing Resolution, which raises spending limits with gimmicks of questionable outcomes, the Republicans are giving Obama a blank check worth hundreds of billions of dollars in spending, if not even more, thus exploding the federal debt to even further astronomical levels.
Like him or not, Senator Rand Paul is trying to warn America about all the pitfalls of this Boehner "deal with the devil" before it's too late. Senator Paul is conducting a Senate filibuster on the Continuing Resolution to give more time to publicize all the glaring pitfalls of signing off on the CR.
Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, however, will attempt to end Senator Paul's filibuster with a cloture vote. McConnell is experienced in caving in to get along with the Obama administration.
It will take 60 senate votes to invoke cloture and shutdown the filibuster. If Senator Paul can round up 41 Senate votes, the filibuster will continue and America may well find out just how far GOP leadership is willing to go to sell out Republican principles of fiscal responsibility.
If the GOP leadership caves in on this consequential fiscal issue, is there anything that they won't cave on? I'm beginning to think not and that is sad. When your own political party surrenders to the enemy for no other obvious reason than to make life easier for the GOP leadership, it's easy to understand why conservative voters are willing to look to a despot like Donald Trump to save them from their own party leadership.
God save our republic if GOP leadership caves in once again and shuts down the filibuster to let America know just how bad this budget deal really is.
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