Monday, July 27, 2015

The #Cuckservative Lie and Why It's Time to Let it Go

by Kim D.

So, what exactly is a Cuckservative? Some are claiming it's kind of like a RINO, a slam against Republicans who have basically sold out and adopted the liberal policies they campaign against. It's the blending of the terms "cuckold" and "conservative." And, if that's what it means to you, so be it, but, as some are quickly pointing out, adopting this simple view and the hashtag #Cuckservative may mean something more, especially when viewed racially. For some, using it on Twitter might label you a white supremacist.
And here's the dirty little secret no one ever wants to talk about . . . racism exists and racists are a part of every social justice movement. They can be liberal or conservative leaning and usually hang on the outer edges until an issue gives them an "in," and the Trump candidacy has apparently given white supremacists an open door. Unfortunately, some who are quick to jump on the #Cuckservative fad tag are finding that they are being linked to bad elements.
I am white . . . lily white. My ancestors came from Germany, Scotland, Ireland, and England. That is my heritage, one to be proud of. I am a conservative who believes in the Constitution and the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. But I do not feel as if eight years of an Obama presidency and an overabundance of racial divide will threaten my existence, and this declaration doesn't make me a Cuckservative. I refuse that label and say the term needs to go if it is creating that much confusion and divide.

In fact, has anyone stopped to think maybe liberal trolls are promoting #Cuckservative to intentionally draw out the white supremacist fringe element so that we can go back to labeling all Conservatives and the Right, in general, as racists? If that's too conspiracy issuish for you, at the very least you have to admit Liberal trolls are loving the Conservative divide on Twitter which may be the best reason to nix the #Cuckservative tag altogether.

Trump is highlighting issues that matter to many Americans. Border security is crucial. Overloading the country with immigrants who may be coming for the American handout instead of the American Dream is harmful to the economy and overburdening a capitalist system. There is no doubt that the veterans are being treated horribly and deserve a spot at the front of the social services line.

But is Donald Trump really conservative or is he leading the circus show pandering for votes? If you believe Trump is the real, conservative deal, answer this question: can one be a conservative and believe teaming up with Oprah Winfrey would be a winning ticket?

Regardless, jumping on the #Cuckservative bandwagon is not criminal nor is it unforgivable. Like I said in the beginning, some see it as akin to RINO bashing. Staying on the hashtag and promoting "white pride" is meaningless. Everyone should be proud of the skin he or she was born with and not resort to hashtagging about it.