Tuesday, July 14, 2015

#NoFlagChallenge - Is it a Black vs. White Thang, Because it sure isn't a History Thing

Okay, since the majority of whites don't have a problem with their heritage and history behind the stars and bars Confederate flag and the animus seems to be coming from the black people.  They are the ones that feel this flag is "racist" and a "sign of slavery," even though it's not, correct?

Now  we have this asinine new social media, race-based challenge that is going to get someone hurt and/or killed. It has people trespassing, jumping out of their cars on busy highways and even confronting groups of flag carrying, sometimes - dare I say inebriated - flag waving hostile members.  

This is just stupid and is going to get someone hurt and then there's going to be a town burnt to the ground, because everyone is going to be pissed that some white man beat up or shot a black kid. Some actually understand how danger this could be and obviously some just don't seem to grasp reality and get it.
In what appears to be the original video, posted to Facebook on July 11 by Jamari Williams, a young black man runs up to a house and jumps to tear down a Confederate flag from the flag pole. Read more The Blaze

I hope these kids listen to the advice of the wise, this isn't worth it.

Watch another man film his passenger jumping out of his car, on a busy intersection, just to snatching the semi-drivers Confederate flag off the back of his truck. 

Or watch as a group of 40 men outnumber and assault another man, of a different nationality, who happens to be carrying a Confederate flag and knock him out, on the 4th of July, because they perceive the flag to be of racist origin, when the man carrying it sees it as his Confederate Southern heritage.

Sadly, there are those that would call these men heroes, for vandalizing, stealing from others, beating them up and even robbing them of their God-given 1st Amendment right.  However, justice may be served in the beating of the white man, as hate-crime charges  may come of it.  

What would these African AMERICANS do if the tables were turned and these victims had the "do unto others, as you would have them to unto you” mentality and had the #noflagchallenge favor re-payed and every African, Rainbow or any flag for that matter, that wasn't the American flag flying was torn down?  It IS the #NOFlagChallenge. Why should one persons heritage and history trump another's, just because of the color of their skin or the nationality that they claim?

None I don't see any of us looking upon white sheets, rope and crosses as offensive to the black American or that it's in any way "racist," even though the Democrats chose that color of cotton bedding to hide their identity and hideous act, or that item to hang men and or that sanctified symbol to terrify every black man, woman and child, so why all of this animus towards the Confederate flag?  

So, by the illogical liberal logic, the Hindu are now going to have to come up with another symbol, since Hitler took a shine to the neat geometric shape of their symbol and used it for his Swastika, and killed over 6 million people, and this might offend all of the Jews, right? 

Think about this, what if the Nazis and Skinheads had chosen Old Glory to make their point? Yes, the Red White and Blue, stars and stripes, would we be as quick to ban the American flag? How about we just try this on for size, stop sweating the petty stuff, and fighting over other people's actions and start worrying about our own.  We have more important battles to fight and larger hills to climb.

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