Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Creepy Heckling of Joel Osteen at Lakewood Church

by Kim D.

The Church of Wells has an issue with Pastor Joel Osteen and his megachurch. Actually, it appears the church and its elders have a problem with several people as evidenced by the need to have a "rebuttal" page on its website.

However, this past Sunday, some church members set their sights on Lakewood Church of Houston and heckled Pastor Osteen during his 11 am service. The disruption prompted the removal and arrest of six men from Wells, TX.
So far no one from the Church of Wells has spoken about or offered an explanation for why Osteen and the Lakewood Church were targeted, but the episode spooked several churchgoers who left in anticipation of possible violence erupting along with the protest and heckling. That leaves many to speculate about the motives, concluding this was basically nothing more than an attention seeking stunt by a small church.

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