Dolezal has resigned as president of the local branch of the NAACP, lost her position as a part-time African studies instructor at a local university, lost her job as a freelance newspaper columnist and become the subject of a probe by the city Ethics Commission.
The furor has touched off national debate over racial identity and divided the NAACP itself.
"In the eye of this current storm, I can see that a separation of family and organizational outcomes is in the best interest of the NAACP," Dolezal, who was elected the Spokane chapter's president last fall, wrote on the group's Facebook page Monday. "Please know I will never stop fighting for human rights."
Dolezal, a 37-year-old woman with a light brown complexion and dark curly hair, graduated from historically black Howard University and was married to a black man. For years, she publicly described herself as black and complained of being the victim of racial hatred in the heavily white region.
The uproar that led to her resignation began last week after Dolezal's parents said their daughter is white with a trace of Native American heritage. They produced photos of her as a girl with fair skin and straight blond hair... READ MORE
The real problem with Rachel Dolezal is that she is a serial liar and fraudster. Had she said from the outset that she was white, but felt closely aligned and identified with black culture and politics, no one would be faulting her today. Instead, she took the route of deceit and deception to enhance her own internalized and pathological need for personal celebrity. She has achieved her goal, as she is now a national celebrity of sorts, but for all the wrong reasons.