Monday, April 20, 2015

Popping Adam and Steve's Cherry - Just the latest example of an American government out of control

By Rob Janicki

This would be funny, if it were a 'one off' experience in idiotic government wasteful spending.  But, alas, it's merely one among a million or so examples of our government, yours and mine, absolutely wasting taxpayer money on a project that has no basis in our constitutional system of governance.  

The political elite in Washington, D.C. enable such willful waste essentially with every piece of legislation that they pass.  There are riders on virtually every piece of legislation passed that include wasteful spending hidden within the legislation.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has spent over $400,000 studying the satisfaction levels of the first sexual experiences of young gay men.

The four-year study, being conducted by Johns Hopkins University, is examining the “meaning and function” of first “penetrative same-sex sexual experiences.”

How this study can be justified with federal funding is absolutely beyond my comprehension.  It is symptomatic of a federal government that is out of control.  It is an example of a federal government that overstepped its mandated limits under the Constitution.  

The federal government and the political elite class of both political parties, has come to believe that it  can spend taxpayer money anyway it wants to.  After all, these politicians believe that they are the government.  

Reining in the behemoth machine of federal government is long overdue.  Why do federal employees make more than their counterparts in the private sector?  Why is our federal government at all levels, far more inefficient than the private sector in productivity?  Many legitimate questions, few, if any, reasonable answers to even begin to justify this travesty.

Read the details of this latest wasteful spending by your elected representatives here

This is government out of control.  Voting for the same old career politicians of both political parties is what got America to this position.  It's weakened America to a dangerous level of fiscal irresponsibility that will burden Americans for generations to come.  It will result in a weaker America unable to meet the worldwide challenges of radical Islam and growing global communism.

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