Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Man bites dog. Or as MSNBC calls it, "The Ed Show"

Art imitates life. But in the world of tv land, ratings imitate the lives of those who produce the content and those who view it.

On the same day this article was published detailing the horrifically atrocious ratings of the network of Lean Forward they served up this prime example of why no one is tuning in.

Ed Schultz yells at guest Ryan Anderson, then cuts his mic

1 comment:

  1. Schultz tried to put Anderson in a box with a false narrative of the law in Indiana and then went on to slander Indiana Gov. Mike Pence. Mr. Anderson would not go along with Schultz's bullying. Liberals have tried to make this an "either/or" proposition, meaning there were only two possible answers, 'yes' or 'no'. The Indiana law is a defense to discrimination charges, but the defendant still needs to prove that their actions were based upon their long held religious beliefs. The law is a balancing between the religious freedom of those who practice a religion and those minorities that are members of a protected group under law. There is no automatic free pass to discriminate against anyone in this law, but liberals want to misstate the character and nature of the law for their own political and social ends. This is simply an emotional liberal appeal to their low information constituency. They operate on emotions rather than facts because it easier to respond to an emotional appeal than to use reason and logic in factual situations.
